Uploading an Object to a Bucket

You can upload a local object to a bucket to store it and create a backup in the Cloud, and possibly share it with other users.

As the storage capacity is only restricted by the storage platform itself, objects are not limited in size. You can upload an object whose size is from 1 byte to 5 GiB in a single command. However, it is recommended to upload objects of 100 MiB or more in several smaller parts in order to upload them faster. For more information, see Creating a Multipart Upload.
You can upload objects in your buckets or in a bucket another user shared with you. Other users can also upload objects in your bucket if you granted them the appropriate permissions. For more information, see Access Control List (ACL) Reference.

We recommend not exceeding 300 uploads per second in a single bucket.

You cannot change the key of an object once it is uploaded in the bucket. If you upload an object with the same key as another object already contained in the bucket, this object you upload replaces the former object. If bucket versioning is enabled, the former object is conserved as a previous version. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling Bucket Versioning.

By default, the objects you upload are private. However, you can share the objects that you uploaded in your bucket with other users setting an Access Control List (ACL). For more information, see Access Control List (ACL) Reference.

This action also returns an ETag element that you need to create a multipart-upload. For more information, see Creating a Multipart Upload.

Ensure not to set public read permissions for your sensitive data.

To correctly display a binary file such as a PDF in a web browser, you must upload it using the following s3 command:

$ aws s3 cp --profile YOUR_PROFILE LOCAL_PATH/OBJECT_TO_UPLOAD s3://YOUR_BUCKET --endpoint https://oos.eu-west-2.outscale.com

Uploading an Object to a Bucket Using AWS CLI (s3api)

Before you begin: Install and configure AWS CLI and set up your profile. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

To upload a local object to a bucket, use the put-object command following this syntax:

Request sample
$ aws s3api put-object \
    --profile YOUR_PROFILE \
    --bucket BUCKET \
    --key OBJECT \
    --body usr/bin/YOUR_OBJECT \
    --acl private \
    --content-length 42 \
    --grant-full-control "id=USER_ID, id=USER_ID" \
    --grant-read "id=USER_ID, id=USER_ID" \
    --grant-read-acp "id=USER_ID, id=USER_ID" \
    --grant-write-acp "id=USER_ID, id=USER_ID" \
    --endpoint https://oos.eu-west-2.outscale.com

This command contains the following attributes that you need to specify:

  • (optional) profile: The named profile you want to use, created when configuring AWS CLI. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

  • bucket: The bucket in which you want to upload the object.

  • key: The name you want to give to your object in the bucket.

    You can use the same prefix in the keys of several objects in the following format: prefix/key1, prefix/key2, and so on.

    This creates a virtual architecture in your bucket and enables you to retrieve your objects faster when listing them. For more information, see Listing the Objects of a Bucket.

  • body: The path to the object on your machine.

    • When specifying new permissions, all the previous permissions are replaced. Therefore, you need to specify both the existing permissions that you want to keep (including for yourself) and the new permissions that you want to give in a single command.

    • If you are the owner of the bucket, you can lose your own permissions but not the ability to manage the ACL itself.

    For more information about existing permissions, see Getting Information About a Bucket ACL and Getting Information About an Object ACL.

  • (optional) acl: The permissions you grant for your object (private | public-read | public-read-write | authenticated-read | bucket-owner-read | bucket-owner-full-control).

  • (optional) content-length: If the size cannot be defined automatically, the size of the object, in bytes.

  • (optional) grant-full-control: One or more IDs of users to whom you grant the full-control permission.

  • (optional) grant-read: One or more IDs of users to whom you grant the read permission.

  • (optional) grant-read-acp: One or more IDs of users to whom you grant the read-acp permission.

  • (optional) grant-write-acp: One or more IDs of users to whom you grant the write-acp permission.

  • endpoint: The endpoint corresponding to the Region you want to send the request to.

The put-object command returns the following element:

  • Expiration: If a lifecycle rule has been applied to the object, returns details on its configuration. For more information, see Managing the Lifecycle of Your Objects.

    • expiry-date: The date and time at which the object is set to expire.

    • rule-id: The name given to the lifecycle rule.

  • ETag: The ETag of your object, that you need to use the multipart upload commands. For more information, see Creating a Multipart Upload.

  • VersionId: If bucket versioning was enabled, the version ID of the object.

Result sample
    "Expiration": "expiry-date=\"Fri, 12 Jan 2024 09:30:08 GMT\", rule-id=\"id\"",
    "ETag": "\"fae0000b0d0000fababdd00e0a000000\"",
    "VersionId": "aJfWzV80O5rN00001000001I4j3QKItW"

The object is uploaded to the bucket.

Uploading an Object to a Bucket Using AWS CLI (s3)

Before you begin: Install and configure AWS CLI and set up your profile. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

You can perform this action using an s3 command following this syntax:

Request sample
   --profile YOUR_PROFILE \
   --acl public-read \
   --endpoint https://oos.eu-west-2.outscale.com

This command contains the following attributes that you need to specify:

  • s3://BUCKET/OBJECT_TO_UPLOAD: The path to the object you want to upload in the bucket.

  • (optional) profile: The named profile you want to use, created when configuring AWS CLI. For more information, see Installing and Configuring AWS CLI.

  • (optional) acl: The permissions for your object (private | public-read | public-read-write | authenticated-read).

  • endpoint: The endpoint corresponding to the Region you want to send the request to.

Uploading an Object to a Bucket Using s3cmd

You can manage your object storage resources using s3cmd commands. For more information, see s3cmd.

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